Semester 08-First Exam-Electric Energy Generation, Utilisation and Conservation-30/04/2008

The name of the subject is that long really. 🙂

So, exams are here again and unlike the last semester when I was blogging like mad even when I had exams (and it cost me too, even if only a bit.), this time over, I haven’t had the time somehow.

But in spite of studying (or at least trying to) hard, I have done my exams abysmally.

So I have been studying hard from two books, one, Generation of Electrical Energy by B.R.Gupta and another Generation,Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by C.L.Wadhwa. While Gupta is one of the prescribed books, Wadhwa is one of the reference books. I go to college on the day of the exam and talk to my classmates who are sitting under a tree hoping to be enlightened. 😉

Me: Hey, so have you guys done units 3,4 and 5. I found it quite hard.

Random: Yea da, we guys completed it. Pretty easy really.

Me: Whaaa ? You’re kidding me, right ?

Random: Of course not. What do you find hard in those units da ? It’s all pretty simple really.

Me: Wow, so you guys actually found Illumination due to a strip, due to a circular disc and due to a rectangular source easy ? You’ve done the derivations and problems ?

Random: What ?

Me: huh ?

Random: What are you talking about ?

Me: (Showing them the book) This.

Random: What on earth is that ? Never seen it.

Me: But this is the prescribed book.

Random: Our book doesn’t have it.

Me: What book are you guys using anyway ?

Random: Local Author. 🙂

Me: Great. All of you guys ?

Random: Yes.

Me: Ah, just perfect.

None of these guys had bothered themselves with the derivations and problems in various units. What’s more, they didn’t have an idea what was in the syllabus, because they were all using some local author book.

So, after preparing 4 units really well and parts of the 5th unit, I go into to exam hall. This is the question paper I get.

Now, the 2 mark questions were no trouble at all and went well. Coming to the 16 mark questions, this is what pissed me off. Everything I had taken the trouble of studying did not appear. I am sure the guys who used the “Local Author” must be laughing at me. (Actually they did too.)

God only knows how the evaluation will be. For instance, 11(a) the prescribed book only had derivations. Whereas, it seems these guys drew block diagrams and all. 😦  I screwed 14 (a) i by writing some shitty stuff and messed up 14(a) ii by once again writing something else.15 (b) is once again messed, mainly because it was simply not there in my book and I was compelled to write what I knew.

There goes the first exam. The second wasn’t any better.

12 thoughts on “Semester 08-First Exam-Electric Energy Generation, Utilisation and Conservation-30/04/2008

  1. @Marc,

    Probably. Let them win the/this battle, I will win the war. 😉

    Plus I don’t care. Goes to show how incompetent a University can get and how people can still resist it.

    Just because you (pl. & demeaning) people tend to do something, doesn’t mean I have to take the same path.


    You are wrong on two counts.(Three actually,considering you are wrong about both books 🙂 ) First being, the books aren’t mine. If only you enlarge the picture (only because you have a problem with sight. Others won’t have to) you will see that they have my college barcodes on the cover. Second, prescribed books are even cheaper than some local author books.

    Also, after your sermon on the degradation of Engineering and all that, you shouldn’t be saying this even as a joke. No, really. Marc’s right with his second comment 😉


    Ah yes, whoever scored 90 % hitherto shall be called the champ. Or maybe even, here after.

    And didn’t you make a statement ? Then why yaar are you yaar asking me yaar , yaar ?

  2. @George,

    Ah, yes. Cheap shot indeed. I should have refrained form saying that 😉 But what the hell, I get cheap pleasure out of it. 😉

  3. pl. is plural. Standard crossword terminology. 🙂 It meant the ‘you’ was a reference to all engineering students and not just you as in you. 😉

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